A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) Read online

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  Andy stares right back at Stephanie, the realization she would defend Archie until proven wrong reflects in her attitude. How can Stephanie not see what is right in front of her eyes? Archie had admitted he would hurt someone if provoked. Observing her stance, he concludes she is not going to listen to him, he will need to get Chase to understand the danger Archie could be for all their sakes. Breaking eye contact with Stephanie he turns to Chase, “You are a responsible man, you have to comprehend the situation for what it is, tell me you know what I am trying to get Stephanie to recognize.”

  Thinking about the danger Stephanie is in, which does not include any from Archie. Chase has been listening to all involved, he responds to Andy, “The way I sees it, if for some reason I am not available Archie would be able to keep her safe.” Stalling to gather his thoughts, he picks up his mug and takes a drink of his cooled coffee. Placing the mug back on the table he resumes, “A person is also innocent until proven guilty. I think Archie is an asset to us. He was before this new development and still is now.”

  Appreciating the reluctance Andy is experiencing he restates Stephanie earlier suggestion, “Andy you may be more comfortable in town at the motel.” Chase wanting no misunderstanding adds, “If you do decide to stay here, Archie will be treated with respect. He is part of the family. ” Turning to Stephanie he smiles. Rising from his seat he leans over and kisses her on the top of her head. Feeling he has made his point he determines the debate of Archie’s character is over. Andy either accepts this or he doesn’t, with or without Andy’s help, he will find the person trying to kill Stephanie.

  Walking to the refrigerator Chase begins removing the fixings for breakfast placing them on the counter. He understands the need to think, to discover the truth, to come to conclusions each individual can live with. For him the decision to stay here and continue to investigate the crimes is easy. Having grown up with stories about a ghost and a haunted house, he was not afraid of Archie. Chase the man and Chase the Sheriff believes Archie is a man to be trusted. If he did not trust Archie, he would take Stephanie out of this house, even if she was kicking and screaming to stay. Andy will need time to think; to sort this out for himself. Chase will give him the time he needs and he will honor whatever decision Andy makes.

  Realizing the conversation for now has ended. Archie informs them he is going to the attic to think. Before anyone can comment he fades.

  Torn between staying with the men and going after Archie, Stephanie glances at Chase. Seeing him staring at Andy she turns and sees Andy lost in thought. Sympathy overwhelms her, realizing Andy had just really accepted Archie, only to have his perspective turned upside down. He must feel as he has walked into a crazy asylum, actually a haunted crazy asylum. Grinning at her thoughts she reaches across the table placing her hand over Andy’s on his mug. When he looks up she sees his eyes focusing; when his eyes clear and he recognizes her she smiles. Removing her hand from his she says softly, “You need to look inside yourself, if you really think Archie will hurt me, you or Chase, you need to leave now. But if you decide to stay, you will discover Archie is a wonderful, loving and honorable man.” Keeping her voice low she concludes, “He will never hurt us.”

  Having finished preparing breakfast; Chase places three plates on the table. Taking a seat he tells them, “Enough talk, eat.” Having been raised by his wonderful Mother, he remembers her always saying, “Food is the best medicine for times of trouble.” Concentrating on his plate he begins eating his omelet. Both Stephanie and Andy follow his lead and eat.

  Upstairs Archie paces the floor. Hearing Andy’s words go through his mind like a recording. The knowledge of his fears weighs heavy on his heart. Archie had begun thinking of Andy as a friend, someone he could talk with, a person he could help and learn from. Hindsight has him wishing he had told Chase privately; between them they could have told Andy. A united front, doing it this way felt as if he had divided the home. Shaking his head he again wishes he could have spoken to Della, she would have known the best way to handle the situation. His Della was smart as well as beautiful. She would have anticipated the questions and the concerns.

  He had been so excited with his abilities; he had not looked at the ramifications. Stopping to look out the window Archie moves the curtain out of his view. Pausing again to consider the implications of his actions he releases the curtain. Turning he resumes pacing; he begins making a mental list of pros and cons. On the pros side he could help with the actual safety of Stephanie, he could do more than observe he could and would protect her, moving objects meant he could defend and fight an intruder. He is sure there would be more pros when he could think of them, but he goes ahead and moves to the cons side; he can only think of one. The fact Andy is now convinced he is dangerous to everyone, not just to intruders. With a sureness he knows to his soul; he acknowledges he would never hurt his friends. It is inconceivable he could ever hurt a relative of his Della; just the thought makes him feel sick.

  Wanting to understand Andy behavior he understands how Andy’s upbringing, his selection of a career and his social environment is the point of his decisions. Deciding to give Andy time to adjust Archie also resolves to prove to Andy he is a man to be trusted.

  Archie becomes lost in his thoughts as he thinks about the time he has spent in this house, the years of not being seen or heard by anyone. His loneliness, the feelings of isolation, the fear he was being punished. Then the wonderful night he met Della. His time with her was a gift, a blessing from above. Was it a coincidence it was Della that was able to see him, or was it destiny? What if this was connected too, what if he was here to protect Stephanie. Has he been stuck between here in the afterlife to help a descendant of Della? Now having more questions he decides he will discuss this with Chase, he is logical. Chase will be able to put this in perspective.

  The sound of a car stopping in the driveway halts his thoughts. Floating back to the window, he watches as Deputy Johnny exits the cruiser and walks to the front door.

  Not wanting to interrupt, Archie decides to stay in the attic to allow the people downstairs to visit with their friend. Turning away from the window he drifts to the rocking chair and slowly puts it in motion. Sitting in the old rocking chair he closes his eyes picturing Della sitting in this same chair rocking as she knitted. Smiling at these memories Archie allows thoughts of Della to waft through his mind.

  Sitting at the kitchen table Johnny feels the tension thick in the air. Stephanie trying to offer comfort keeps smiling at him, if only he could tell her this wasn’t helping. Clearing his throat, wishing he had called first he decides to get down to the business at hand. “Sheriff, we received a message from the FBI.” Noting Chase and Andy are now giving him their full attention, he continues, “They wanted me to tell you the information you are waiting for is ready. They said you would need to pick it up. Due to chain of evidence they could not release it to just a Deputy.” The disgust is relevant in Johnny’s voice.

  Closing his eyes Chase feels as if he should have stayed in bed cuddling Stephanie. Opening his eyes he admits to himself the day has been eventful, stressful and full of drama. Addressing Johnny in his Sheriff’s tone he states, “Thanks for the message. I will call and make arrangement to get it.” Glancing at Andy he asks, “Will you be here to help with protection?”

  Andy looks Chase directly in his eyes; he nods once and then goes back to writing in his notebook. When Johnny had come in, he had sensed it wasn’t a friendly visit. The evidence is important to this investigation. It may help solve two murders. Realizing Johnny has no clue about what this represents. Andy had observed them, the respect Johnny has for the Sheriff is apparent. Even feeling slighted by the FBI, Johnny will never question the Sheriff about the procedure in place or ask what kind of evidence Chase is waiting on.

  Andy looks up from his notebook and notices Stephanie watching him. Her eyes see too much, he realizes she knows his problem with Archie is only temporarily on hold. Giving her a slight smile, he r
eturns his attention to the notebook. Thinking about Archie earlier he had decided to make a list of pros and cons concerning his new abilities. Reviewing the list it has become obvious the pros outnumber the cons. Admitting to himself he may have jump to conclusions and therefore may have missed judged Archie. Rising from his chair Andy opts to go for a walk to rethink his earlier assessment. Looking down at Stephanie he says, “I am going for a walk around the property. I won’t be gone long.” With that said he strides out the door.

  Chase and Johnny had been discussing the day to day running of the department. Chase had explained the importance of Johnny being in charge while he is busy here protecting Stephanie. Chase did not go into detail, nor did he apologize for the workload now bestowed on Johnny. Looking up when the door closes Chase raises his brow, “What’s up with Andy?”

  Shrugging her shoulders Stephanie replies simply, “He said he is going to walk the grounds and think.” Smiling she raises her eyes to the ceiling, her smile gets bigger when Chase understands her meaning. Stephanie knows they are truly a couple when they can understand each other with just a look. Enjoying the sensation of being a couple, she watches Chase go over the reports with Johnny. Tuning out their voices Stephanie allows her mind to wonder to the “gifts” bestowed upon Archie until she hears Marty’s name mentioned.

  “What about Marty? Is she ok?” Concern now in her voice Stephanie stares at Johnny, anxiously waiting for his respond.

  Grinning like a school boy Johnny tells her, “Marty is fine, she and I are going to the movies tonight.” Blushing he adds, “I took your advice and asked her out, she said yes.” Thinking about Marty puts Johnny in a better mood, he still can’t understand why she agreed to go with him but he wasn’t going to permit her to change her mind.

  Happiness shines in Stephanie eyes as she exclaims, “That is wonderful. Did Chase tell you we are having a cook out and want both you and Marty to come? It’s this Saturday.” Her excitement is infectious and both Chase and Johnny grin in responds.

  Nodding his head, Johnny tells her, “I will let Marty know tonight. Hopefully she can get off work to come but I can’t confirm she will be able to. Saturdays are always busy at the hospital.”

  Disappointment dims the excitement in Stephanie’s eyes, however she nods her understanding. She had hoped Marty would be able to come Saturday. Needing to have girl talk she misses her new friend. Sensing her distress Chase sits down across from her, he takes her hand raising it to his lips he kisses her palm. As he lays her hand down on the table, Stephanie smiles.

  As they sit looking into each other eyes, Johnny feels like an interloper, faking a cough he raises from his chair when he has their attention, “I am going to head out now.” Glancing at Chase he utters a quick good bye then walks out the door.

  Driving back to town Johnny reckons there will be a wedding in the near future. Admitting he had never seen the Sheriff so happy and so content. They both watch the other, needing contact even it’s just with their eyes. Witnessing their love, he feels an overwhelming urge to surprise Marty early for their date. Switching the radio on, Johnny hums along with the music. The irritation he had felt over the FBI forgotten for now.

  Chase continues to sit with Stephanie at the table, both lost in thought. The noise from the door being opened have them turning towards the sound. Chase observes Andy’s expression, trying to figure out his disposition. Noticing his posture is more relaxes; Chase considers Andy as he walks to the coffee pot and fills a mug.

  Turning towards the table, Andy sees two pairs of eyes gawking at him. Moving to the chair he vacated earlier, Andy sits down. Holding up his hand to stall the questions he knows they want to ask Andy states, “First let me inform you both I have come to a conclusion about myself. I will not apologize or defend my beliefs.” Seeing their nods of understanding he continues, “Archie is a new concept for me to adjust too. Not just the new stuff, but Archie in general. I have never believed in ghosts, or any other supernatural things. Now I feel I have walked into a world I know nothing about. For me that is not acceptable. I am a person that needs to know, to be able to analyze the facts and handle it.”

  Placing his hands around the mug Andy adds, “This is very disturbing for me, I feel as if I have lost control of the situation. The cop in me has always been able to tell if someone is playing me, I have been able to judge people’s character.” Lifting his mug he takes a drink then sets it back down, continuing “I will say the shock of Archie and now the shock of the latest development has me doubting my own sanity. So I resolved to think of Archie as a person, not as a “ghost” and I find I believe him. My first impression of him was a man with a high regard for honor, justice and family. For me to logically get through this I have to think of the man Archie, not the spirit. I should have never doubted his character. I know my first impressions are right. I will still need time to fully adjust to this bizarre life you both seem to accept without question. ” Finished speaking, Andy sits staring down at this coffee.

  Stephanie glances at Chase, then back at Andy. She realizes Andy has had to adjust his concept of the unexplained supernatural existence. Smiling she admits to having had her doubts. The fact he is trying to accept this, to try to come to terms about Archie, shows to her he is a man with principals.

  Rising from his chair, Chase walks to the counter picking up the coffee pot, he returns to the table filling everyone’s mug. Placing the empty pot on the table Chase sits down looking at Andy, “You are dealing with this better than most, I think.” Deciding no more was needed to be said on this matter, Chase changes the subject, “I am going to contact my friend at the FBI and set a time to get the report. Hopefully this will help solve two murders.”

  Raking his fingers through his hair, Chase checks the time on the wall clock. Seeing its already late afternoon, Chase grabs his cell phone and punches in the number for the FBI. After a brief conversation he ends the call. Laying his phone on the table he turns again to Andy, “Daniel said I can be there anytime, he is working at the office today. I think I will go change clothes and leave in a few minutes.” Andy nods in agreement. Reaching across the table Chase picks up Stephanie’s hand. Rising from his chair he pulls Stephanie up with him, still holding her hand they walk out of the room.

  Chapter Ten

  Stephanie sits at the table staring at her computer screen, blinking her eyes she reads again the email from her boss Michael. Leaning back in her chair she giggles, having reread the message, the excitement for her next assignment grows. A famous author of children’s books wants her to illustrate the whole book. This will accelerate her career; this has been her goal since she graduated art school. She has been doing covers for authors for the past several years; however this will show her strengths as an artist and hopefully generate more opportunities.

  Feeling a soft brush of fur on her ankle, Stephanie glances down. Seeing Lucky she leans over lifting her up. Holding the kitten eye level Stephanie asks, “Where have you been hiding?” Black eyes stare back at Stephanie, “I know you have been around, your evidence in your box and the empty food bowl are proof.” Laughing at her foolishness Stephanie lays the kitten on her lap and beings to stoke Lucky’s back.

  Finished checking her emails Stephanie powers down the computer, cuddling the kitten she raises from the chair. Leaving the kitchen she walks to the living room. Sitting on the couch she picks up the TV remote and begins flipping through channels, Stephanie stops when she finds an old western with one of her favorite actors. Shifting on the couch she gets more comfortable as the kitten snuggles on her lap.

  As the movie begins, Stephanie removes Della’s diary from the side table. Deciding she will relax while she waits for Chase she opens the book at the bookmark. Wanting to learn more about her Aunt and her family history Stephanie begins to read.

  Dec 15th

  Dear Diary, My parents are making me go with them to visit relatives in Macon. I am heartbroken leaving Archibald. He is being so sweet about us
being apart. He tells me I will have fun visiting my kin and I need to have fun with people my own age.

  How can I explain to my parents I would rather stay home with my Archibald? It seems we will be apart until after the New Year. I will be gone a month from my love.

  Stephanie feels the pain in Della as she reads each word written. Turning the page she finds the next entry is dated over three years later.

  June 8th

  Dear Diary, I am an Aunt, my brother sent a telegram today to inform us he had gotten married over a year ago and his wife has given birth to a son this morning.

  My parents left right after receiving the message to go to Chicago to meet Markus’ wife and see the baby. My Mother cried as she packed. I so wish Markus would visit, I miss my brother.

  Laying the diary on the table Stephanie closes her eyes and thinks of her own brother, having grown up as close as they were Stephanie cannot fathom how family can move away then not keep in contact. The loss of Mitch is still a heart wrenching pain. She absently begins rubbing Lucky’s fur. Hearing a soft meow she glances down, the kitten is staring at her, as if the kitten knows she needs comfort. Scooping Lucky up in her hands Stephanie buries her face in the soft fur. Laughing Stephanie sets the kitten on the floor when she begins to squirm.

  Feeling abandoned Stephanie picks up the diary again and turns the page.

  Sept 23rd

  Dear Diary, Archibald and I spent the day at the pond. He again related the events leading to his death. I know the answer to his dilemma is there, however neither of us are able to figure it out. To be truthful I don’t want to lose my Archibald. It is not fair, if we find the answers he needs to move on, I will lose my soul mate. But I am a lady, and when a lady gives her word she will help, she keeps her promise.

  Sadness fills my heart as I don’t know the amount of time we will have together.

  March 9th Dear Diary, Today I write with a heavy heart, I buried my parents today. They were so in love, I know they would have wanted to go at the same time. How I miss them. Markus was unable to come today, he sent a message he was out of the country and he stated he didn’t want anything if he is named in their will, he forfeits his inheritance. I had needed Markus to come home. I had questions about the accident, about what to do with the farm, and now the added burden of taking control of the family business.