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A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) Page 22

  The present I got today made me cry. The portrait of Archibald and I is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen. Carrie is truly a gifted artist. She captured our love for each other. The detail she took with the painting also shows her love for us. Looking at the portrait I remember the hours we sat and discussed our wedding. How Carrie made notes, she would do a few sketches and show us for our approval or ask advice on what needed changed.

  This end result is a precious treasure. Archibald and I stood looking at it for a long time after I had hung it above the fireplace. It will hold that place of honor from now on.

  I am not sure if I should send a “thank you” note or should I just call.

  March 12th Dear Diary, It has been a long time since I have written, this is done now due to I am old and tired, I feel this will be my last entry. I no longer care who reads my words, I have many memories and I realize I should have written more times than I have. Once I am gone from this earth I will be forgotten having no close family or friends. But my life has been happy and I only have a few regrets.

  We celebrated our wedding anniversary yesterday. My love for Archibald is as strong today as when it first began. I know I am blessed to have found this wonderful man.

  My Archibald has been in my life for so long it is hard to remember a time in my life without him. He has stood beside me through happy times and offered comfort through sad times. He is my best friend. He has been the one consistent in my life. My one true love.

  My sorrow deepens with each passing day. I am sure my time left on earth is short. Having lived eighty-eight years I feel the Good Lord will be calling me home soon. My Archibald will be left alone.

  I have just one regret when it comes to my love for Archibald; I shouldn’t have stopped trying to help him move on. This was selfish of me. I love him and didn’t want to be left without him. Now with my days numbered it's I that will leave him. My poor Archibald will be alone without any one to help him. I pray he can forgive me as I also pray the Lord will allow Archibald to join me in death.

  If my Love is unable to join me I promise I will do everything I can to come back to him. Our love is strong, it has lasted many years therefore; I will never accept us being apart. The sadness I feel when I think of us being separated makes me determined to be with Archibald in this life as well as the afterlife.

  I have tried to explain my regret and sorrow to my Love, but Archibald refuses to speak of my death. However, as I feel my body grow weaker, I try to fight the time I know is coming. I absolutely refuse to allow my death to come between us. Surely our love will prevail.

  Turning the page Stephanie discovers there aren’t any more entries in the diary. Disappointment settles in her chest. The sensation of learning about her Aunt has her wanting more details. The lady that was her Aunt was also a daughter, a sister, a wife and a friend. She was a lady that had loved deeply and had suffered losses. Della was a classy lady in every sense of the word.

  Still reclining on the couch Stephanie peers up at her Aunt Della softly she whispers, “I wish I had known you. I would have enjoyed listening to you reminiscence about our family history. I know I would have loved you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Stephanie surveys the patio, thinking about the work Chase and Andy did cleaning it. They had both helped her with the preparations for the party. Smiling she remembers them arguing about the best place to put the grill. She had half listened while she had washed the patio furniture; the rich red wood was sturdy and cleaned up like new. Each piece has checkered yellow and green cushions. Six chairs are now positioned around the big table with four more chairs scattered around the patio. They had helped her place lights around the porch to represent stars; at nightfall the lights will shine pale yellow giving a cozy atmosphere.

  Sitting on a patio chair Stephanie regards the men gathered around the grill. Due to the humid temperatures the men are wearing t-shirts and cargo shorts. Chase is wearing brown shorts with a pale blue t-shirt. Andy has on hunter green shorts with a pale green t-shirt and both Johnny and Nick’s shorts are cream. Johnny t-shirt is red, while Nick is wearing a gray shirt. Hearing the men voices she smiles. You would think they were holding a summit meeting the way they are debating the methods for grilling the steaks. Chuckling softly Stephanie turns to Marty, “So will they actually cook or just stand there talking about it?”

  Marty glances at Stephanie laughing with her. “If they don’t start the steaks soon, I am going to go do it for them.” Smiling mischievously she whispers, “And all the steaks will be well done.”

  Winking at Marty Stephanie says loudly, “Chase do you want me to cook the steaks?” Stephanie and Marty both giggle when the four men turn to glare at them. They watch as Chase forks a steak then places it on the grill rack. Hearing the sizzle from the meat Stephanie turns back to Marty, “Now they’re cooking.”

  Marty looks over at Johnny, he is standing with his back to her. As if he senses her gaze he turns, making eye contact. Smiling at her, Johnny turns back to the group and laughs at something Andy said. Marty leans back in her chair giving a sigh.

  Knowing the sound of frustration Stephanie asks, “Do you want to talk about it?” Turning her chair to face her friend Stephanie quietly waits for a response.

  Glancing at Stephanie Marty sees the same concern in her eyes as in her voice. “It’s silly actually.” Holding up her hand to stop Stephanie’s comment Marty continues, “For years I have waited for Johnny to look at me as a woman. As someone he could fall in love with, but I don’t think he will ever love me.” Sighing again she glances quickly at Johnny then back to Stephanie, recognizing her friend is giving her time to explain. Briefly she closes her eyes before continuing, “We have been on four dates. He has been a perfect gentleman.” Raking her hands through her hair she smiles sadly.

  Confused Stephanie asks, “So what’s the problem? Because I think I missed something.” Leaning back in her chair she folds her hands in her lap and waits.

  Feeling like crying Marty tries to explain, “I told you it was silly. It is so hard to explain without sounding foolish.” Taking a deep breath she releases it, “He treats me like a sister or an aunt. I am a beautiful healthy woman. I want more from him than a peck on the cheek.” Huffing out a breath she focuses on Stephanie waiting for her to comment.

  Concern for her friend has Stephanie glaring at Johnny. Shifting back to look at Marty her eyes soften, “He loves you, I know he does.” Moving forward on her chair she lowers her voice, “He told me he feels he is not good enough for you. He has tried to keep away from you. The night you left with Nick, Johnny was devastated, he told me and Chase about his feelings for you.” Lower her voice to a whisper she finishes, “You need to either be patient with him or take charge. Either wait for him to make his move or you make him make his move.” Smiling at the shocked expression on Marty’s face Stephanie leans back in her chair.

  Marty stares at Stephanie mulling over her words, could she be right? It makes sense that Johnny would think him growing up in a Foster home would make him inferior to her. She never felt better than him or anyone else; she has worked since she was sixteen years old. Yes her family is wealthy, but she hadn’t been raised a spoiled rich kid, she had worked and saved her money. She even paid most of her college expenses. If only he would see her and not her family. If he only knew how much she loves him, how long she has loved him. Thinking maybe Stephanie is right; maybe she needs to show him she is a woman with normal needs. Smiling she decides she will need to plan the downfall of Johnny Kageson.

  Recognizing the look of satisfaction on Marty’s face, Stephanie knows she did the right thing. Women have to stick together when it comes to men and their nonsense notions. Clearing her throat to get Marty’s attention Stephanie waits until Marty’s eyes focus on her. Not sure how to approach the subject, she decides to just blurt it out, “Chase professed he loves me.” Stephanie’s happiness sparkles in her eyes.

  Smiling brightly Marty exc
laims, “That is wonderful, I thought I noticed a glow about you.” Genuinely happy for Stephanie Marty inches forward and gives her hug. Leaning back she asks, “Are we talking marriage?”

  With a nervous laugh Stephanie utters, “Not yet.” Glancing over at Chase she thinks about her future. “I love him. Yet I always thought I would be alone, having given up on finding a good man. Then bam, I find the man that makes me feel complete.” Turning back to Marty she adds, “I know this is sudden, but I believe when its right, it’s right.”

  Hearing noise from the front of the yard Stephanie twists to watch as Carrie and CJ stroll towards them. Leaving her chair Stephanie joins Chase as he goes to meet his parents. Noticing Carrie is dressed similar to her and Marty, white Capri pants and a tank top. Carries top being purple, while Stephanie’s is dark blue and Marty’s is wearing pale pink. Chase’s father has on jean shorts with a white t-shirt. Having not met CJ she knows there is no doubt they are father and son; the similarities between them left no mistaking this fact. Both men are tall, muscular and have the same shape of bone structure. Their facial features match; the shape of their eyes and nose. Both men have the sexy full lips. Seeing CJ, Stephanie can picture Chase now as he grows older.

  Chase grasps Stephanie’s hand as they approach his parents. He stops a few feet from them then extends his hand to his Father, after a firm handshake Chase turns to his Mother stooping he kisses her cheek. Straightening he turns to his Father again, “Dad, I would like to introduce you to Stephanie Tuney.”

  Chuckling CJ studies Stephanie, noticing the way Chase is openly showing his affection for her. “Carrie has told me all about Stephanie; I would have known her anywhere.” He pulls Stephanie into his arms, giving her a quick bear hug. Stepping back CJ looks around the back yard. The festive decorations make the day seem like a celebration; as it should be, with his son finally in love. Trusting his wife’s judgment concerning Stephanie he came prepared to meet his future daughter in law. Watching Stephanie he relaxes as he recognizes the sparkle in her eyes is due to her own love for his son. As a parent CJ’s aspiration is for his sons to find true love, to be healthy and happy.

  Stephanie grins upon being released by CJ; turning to Carrie she notices her staring at the back door, glancing over her shoulder Stephanie sees Archie through the curtain. Focusing her attention back to Carrie, Stephanie smiles as Carrie places her hand on CJ’s arm wanting his attention, he looks down at Carrie then up at the door. With a big smile CJ excuses himself walking toward the house.

  Carrie clears her throat holding the covered dish towards Chase she tells him, “I made my famous baked beans. Can you take them to the kitchen and put them in the oven on warm until time to eat?”

  Chase releases Stephanie’s hand to take the dish from his Mother. “I can do that. You two have a seat and relax. Food should be ready in about an hour.” Turning he strolls to the house.

  Left alone with Carrie Stephanie motions for her to follow; they walk to the patio and sit at the table. Marty rises to kiss Carrie’s cheek then returns to her seat. Hearing the kitchen door close Stephanie watches Chase walk to the table with a glass of ice tea for his Mother; he places it on the table in front of her then leaves to join the men at the grill.

  Busying turning the steaks Chase listens as Nick and Andy discuss the evidence the FBI had processed. Both men think the finding are too vague, after all the monsoon maroon color for a 1948 Ford vehicle had to be common back then. However, Chase feels the make and year of the car will be helpful after all this is a small town and was even smaller when the “accident” happened. He accepts it will be a lot of work going through reports and interviewing older residents to see if they remembered any information on a vehicle matching the description. But he feels this will help with the case.

  Johnny has been quiet on the subject pondering the information. Moving closer to Chase he asks, “Do you think the person responsible for the murders of Lee and Rebecca Cain was local?” After taking a sip of his beer he continues without waiting for Chase to answer. “I think this all has to do with the legend of the missing Union gold. You and I both know we grew up on the stories about the gold, the ghost and mysterious happenings here.”

  Both Nick and Andy stopped talking when they heard Johnny comments. Andy and Chase exchange a knowing look. Nick having not grown up locally asks, “Are you suggesting a ghost is responsible for the murders?” He snorts his disbelief as he lifts his beer taking a drink. Both Chase and Andy deny this at the same time.

  Johnny continues his speculations without acknowledging Nick’s question. “I think we are looking for a family, the crimes have been done by ancestors, with each new generation being pulled in by the legions. I think we need to check which families have been around the longest and check their backgrounds.” Finished speaking he looks at each man, waiting for their respond.

  Chase is the first to comment, “I think your right.” Turning to Andy he sees his nod of agreement. “I hadn’t thought about that, but it makes perfect sense.” Feeling Johnny may be on to a new lead he asks, “Do you think you could start checking on that theory? I think we need to pursue all possibilities.”

  Nick scratches his head trying to process this line of reasoning, “So we are going to try to find a timeline with one family doing these crimes?” Shaking his head he continues, “If it is one family why hasn’t anyone noticed? I don’t believe a family of criminals would go unnoticed in a small community.”

  Andy addresses Nick’s questions, “We have been trying to find a reason for the break in crimes, and this makes perfect sense. Johnny’s theory does explain that. A local family that has grown up here hearing the stories, maybe younger members pushed into doing things by their elders.” Shrugging his shoulders he adds, “Or this may be out in left field and not lead anywhere. But I agree with Chase, we have to explore all possibilities, because as of right now this is our best theory.”

  Chase looks over at Stephanie he sees her frowning as she listens to his Mother. Wondering what his Mother is telling her, he dismisses his concern when he sees Stephanie blush and hears her laugh. Turning back to the grill he begins transferring the steaks to a platter. “Right now, my main concern is protecting Stephanie. Doesn’t matter who is responsible, I will not allow any harm to come to her.” The edge in his voice has the other men looking at each other.

  Stephanie knows her face is red giving a nervous laugh she tries to dismiss the question from Carrie. Giving the question some thought she shakes her head no. “I am not pregnant. I can’t be.”

  Marty exclaims, “I thought you were just glowing from love, but it could be pregnancy. Wow, Stephanie.” Shaking her head she grins at Carrie. Both ladies regard Stephanie watching emotions play across her face.

  Lower her voice Stephanie whispers, “I am NOT pregnant. And neither of you mention this conversation to Chase.” Mentally Stephanie counts back to the last night they had made love, Chase had not used protection and she had not decided yet what type she had wanted to use herself, she hadn’t even read any of the pamphlets in her purse.

  Stephanie closes her eyes briefly when she opens them she sees both ladies grinning at her. “If I am and I mean IF, I would be only a week. Women don’t glow at one week, you cannot possible suggest I have a pregnant glow. I am just happy; I am in love with a wonderful man, a man who loves me.” Shaking her head again to deny their speculation she continues, “Furthermore, I want no mention of this to him, if I am expecting, I will tell Chase.”

  “Ok fine, I won’t say anything to Chase, but I tell you Stephanie you are expecting and I am going to be a Grandmother.” Leaning back in her chair Carrie glance over at Chase, happy he has found a woman to love and be loved. She resists the urge to go to him and give him a big hug. With a grin she begins calculating in her mind the timeframe until the birth.

  Sitting at the kitchen table CJ and Archie talk, each confides their feelings of lost when their friendship ended. CJ admits to missing their visits bu
t knew they had to stop. At the look of confusing on Archie’s face he realizes Della had not told him the reason. CJ briefly apologizes then goes on to explain the reasons, when he finishes Archie nods his head once in understanding.

  After the first awkward moments the two spend the next hour catching up on each other’s news. Feeling shame CJ states, “I am so sorry I didn’t visit after Della passed away. I know this is too soon but I hope you will be able to forgive me.”

  Archie now knowing the situation both CJ and Carrie had been in and understands the reason for stopping the visits. “You have nothing to seek forgiveness for. You did what had to be done, the children you two have helped is greater than my sorrow for lost friendship. My regret is I wish Della had told me the real reason, instead I just waited until I finally knew you were not coming back.” Shaking his head he wonders at the logic for Della to withhold this information.

  Once they moved past that issue, they began discussing the time since their last visit, each telling of events over the past twenty or so years. It didn’t take long before they were talking like old friends again.

  Having been out of town for two weeks CJ was shocked when Archie told him about the murders and Stephanie being in danger. “I had no ideal this was going on and I bet Carrie doesn’t either.” Shaking his head he realizes his son wouldn’t want them to worry but he feels slighted for not being told.

  Realizing he revealed this without consulting Chase, Archie tries to comfort CJ, “I am sure Chase will tell you. As you said you have been out of town. I know he is the Sheriff but he loves you and Carrie, I don’t think he kept this from you on purpose.” Feeling a bit like a traitor to his friend he continues, “Your son is a man of honor and he may have felt the less you know the less danger you and Carrie would be in. Since we don’t know the person or person responsible for the murders he may have wanted to keep you two safe.”