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A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) Page 23
A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) Read online
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Huffing out a breath CJ responds, “I will find out the why, but not today. Today is for relaxing and enjoying the day. With everything happening lately I am sure both Chase and Stephanie need to relax and not think about this.” Holding up his hand when Archie tries to interrupt CJ continues, “I will speak with my son concerning this matter. I have a right to know when someone is threatening the people I love.” Folding his arms across his chest CJ leans back on his chair as he tries to figure out how he can help.
Recognizing the look of determination on his friend’s face Archie knows he will be seeing a lot of CJ in the near future. Smiling he says, “I can see your mind working on a solution. I believe we need to come up with a plan to help with the investigation.” As CJ focus on Archie’s words he adds, “The quicker we can solve this then the quicker Chase and Stephanie can move forward with their relationship.”
Laughing CJ agrees, “You are right my friend. I want nothing but happiness for my son. But he is sadly mistaken if he thinks I am not going to be involved.” Relaxing his shoulders CJ confides, “I will discuss this with Carrie and come up with a strategy to help. You being here is a relief to me, knowing this will allow me to sleep at night.”
Nodding his agreement Archie reveals his ability to move objects now. The stun expression on CJ’s face has him laughing. Demonstrating Archie picks up the beer bottle in front CJ then sets it back down. “I can do more than just stand by like a child. I now have the capability to throw items.” Lowering his voice he adds, “I have been practicing in the attic.”
Laughing out loud CJ responds, “You my friend are amazing.” Both men turn to look at the back door when they hear the door knob turn. Accepting the conversation is over for now CJ decides he needs to ponder the complete situation before he discusses this with Carrie.
Stephanie opens the back door stepping inside she announces, “The steaks are finally ready, and I am just going to start taking the other dishes outside.” Smiling at both men sitting at the table she moves to the refrigerator and begins transferring bowls to the counter. As she removes the third dish Marty walks into the room.
“Need some help?” Marty stops speaking when she sees CJ sitting at the table. Concerned she asks, “You ok. Mr. Peterson?” Not able to see Archie she wonders why he is sitting alone in the kitchen.
Rising from his chair CJ smiles, “I am fine my dear. I just needed to speak to an old friend.” He taps the pocket on his shirt hoping she would assume he had used his phone. Seeing her nod in understanding he picks up a bowl then turns to the door.
As CJ passes the table Archie tells him, “I am going to go to the attic. You should visit with the people outside. I hope to see you again soon, my friend.” Archie fades before CJ can comment.
Slanting a quick look at Stephanie, CJ winks before continuing through the door. As he places the dish on the patio table CJ whispers to Carrie, “I have my friend back.” He is unable to go into more detail as Marty joins them at the table, placing the dish she carries beside his.
After Marty leaves to bring more food Carrie tells him, “I am thankful.” Not saying more she just smiles. Allowing her mind to wonder again to them being Grandparents, Carrie decides on the way home to tell him. Aware she can’t keep this news to herself.
It only takes a few trips to bring all the food outside. Moving chairs closer around the table making room for everyone, they finally sit down. Chase brings the platter of steaks to the table, setting it in the middle at the place of honor. As he takes his place at the head of the table Chase scans the people surrounding him. Deciding to follow tradition Chase asks everyone to hold hands, he then bows his head and says the blessing, echoes of Amen join his when he finishes.
Grinning at his guests Chase announces, “Let’s eat while the steaks are hot.” He points at two steaks telling both Stephanie and Marty that those are well done. He then picks up the dish closes to him and dips a big spoon of his Mother’s baked beans onto his plate.
As if on cue everyone starts passing the bowls around the table, each filling their plates. Other than a few thank you or please, no one speak as they all concentrate on eating.
Having hiked for two miles he is tired and even from an acre away he can smell the food. Hearing his stomach grumble at the aroma from the grill, he curses. With his field glasses he observes the people gathered on the patio. He can’t believe his eyes they are having a damn party. True there are cops present, but it is still a party.
Is the woman stupid? Had she not told the Sheriff he had called and said he was going to kill her? Did she not understand he meant every word?
Positioning his fingers to symbolize a gun, he lines up pretend sights. “Bang.” He shoots Chase, than moves to line up his sights on the woman, “Bang.” Slowly he continues until he has killed everyone at the table. Laughing at his game, he starts over with Chase. This time he pretends he shoots Chase in the head and even visualizes his brain splattering all over the other people.
His desire to get in the house soon has him looking at the barns. Knowing a fire would get them out of the house as they try to save it. But would it give him enough time to get in and find the other ledgers? Knowing he couldn’t set fire to the house for fear of burning the needed information. He scans the rest of the property.
Looking at the hay barn he moves to the next building, it is further away. They would be occupied trying to put out the fire and would be away from the house longer. Wondering what was inside the building he makes plans to come back tomorrow night to check it out. He doesn’t want to rush this he can’t afford to make any mistakes. He had been waiting too long to get his hands on the gold and have his revenge on the Sheriff.
Crawling backwards he moves further from the view of the house. Not taking any chance of being seen, only after he knows the people at the house wouldn’t be able to see him does he stand up and begins walking back to his car.
Sitting at the table with his stomach full Chase listens as the others begin to have quiet conversations. Glancing at Stephanie he notices her looking at him. As their eyes meet she smiles. The pure love he sees reflecting in her eyes has his breath catching. He knows she worries about the danger she is facing, but she doesn’t allow her fears to control her life. For him this proves she is a strong woman with a strong character.
Breaking eye contact with Stephanie he turns towards his Father leaning close he hears his parents discussing remodeling their home. “What are two planning?” Curiosity sounds in his voice.
Appearing uneasy Carrie glances at Stephanie then at Chase, “We just want to make a few changes to a couple of rooms nothing too extravagant.” Picking up her glass of ice tea she takes a sip then sets it back down.
Stephanie stares at Carrie frowning, sensing she has told CJ of her suspensions. Feeling the situation is snow balling out of control she raises from her chair. Moving to stand beside Marty she asks her to help clear the table. Picking up a few dishes Stephanie walks inside the house.
Excusing herself Marty grabs a dish then follows Stephanie. Inside the kitchen Marty asks, “What’s wrong?” Placing the dish on the counter she crosses her arms over her chest as she waits for Stephanie to explain.
Raking her hands through her hair Stephanie blurts out, “Carrie told CJ I’m pregnant and now they are remodeling their home.” Closing her eyes Stephanie counts to ten. Opening her eyes when she hears Marty soft laughter. “This is not funny. I am not pregnant.” Picking up the dish she had sat on the counter she dumps the remains in the trash. Placing it in the dishwasher she reaches for the next dish as she turns towards the trash she stops suddenly, looking back at Marty she asks, “How soon can a test tell if I am pregnant?”
Unfolding her arms Marty walks over to Stephanie, “The good ones over the counter will tell in as little as seven days after a missed cycle but the ones at the hospital will show within a few days.” Seeing Stephanie pale Marty asks, “How many days are you late?”
Walking to the table Stephanie
picks up her cell phone, opening the calendar application she counts, “I’m not late; I still have a week and half before I am due.”
“Oh honey, you know you’re pregnant, the middle of your cycles is the best time.” Not sure why Stephanie is refusing to believe the facts she suggests, “Why don’t you just buy a test? Or go to the health department?” Shrugging her shoulders Marty advises, “Take a test and stop worrying.”
Shocked to her core Stephanie feels like crying, “I can’t be pregnant, I don’t know anything about babies. My role model is my Mother; she always worked and never was around. The youngest child I ever babysit was four years old.” Shuttering she continues, “Babies scare the hell out of me.” Blowing out a breath she leans over the counter and puts her head on her hands.
Trying not to laugh Marty pats Stephanie on her shoulder. “You are going to worry yourself to death. If you are pregnant you will have time to adjust and plan for the baby. But if you’re not you have wasted time worrying about nothing.” Trying for her calm nurse voice she adds, “Just call the Doctor Monday morning, make an appointment and try not to stress.” Grinning at Stephanie Marty smirks, “Stress is not good for the baby.”
Straightening as she hears the door open Stephanie tries for a smile when she sees Chase and Nick walk in. Picking up a dish she notices her hand shaking and quickly turns to the trash to empty its content. With her back to the men, Stephanie takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves.
Chase isn’t sure what they interrupted but he doesn’t like the feeling something is wrong with Stephanie. With her back to him he can’t see her expression.
won’t make eye contact with him.
Glancing at Marty he notices she
Deciding he intruded on girl talk, he moves to the refrigerator grabs a couple of beers, hands them to Nick then grabs a few more for him to carry. As Chase moves to leave the kitchen he bends down to Stephanie kissing her temple. As she raises her head to look at him he sees her expression is serene. Smiling Chase straightens and walks out the door. Joining the men at the edge of the patio Chase admits he will never understand women.
Carrie and CJ carry dishes inside. Seeing the tension on Stephanie’s face, Carrie looks at CJ. Understanding the meaning his wife is conveying CJ sets the dishes on the counter then excuses himself, he decides to go outside to speak with Johnny.
After CJ leaves Carrie assesses the women, taking a deep breath she releases it, “Stephanie I am sorry I have caused you so much stress today. I apologize and ask you to please forgive me.” The look of distress on Carrie’s face had Marty coming to her rescue.
“Stephanie is fine, Carrie. She just needs to make an appointment to find out for sure.” Taking charge of this situation she speaks with her authority voice, “Now we need to get the rest of the dirty dishes, load the dishwasher, then go back outside and enjoy the rest of the day.” Shaking her index finger at Stephanie she emphases, “You will stop stressing. We are not going to mention the pregnant word the rest of the night. Instead we are going to laugh and gossip and maybe talk the men into setting up a radio so we can have some music.”
With everyone lending a hand it takes a short time to clean the patio therefore allowing everyone to relax. Marty suggests a little music would be nice just as the patio lights switch on. Chase immediately raises going into the house to retrieve a radio. Returning with a small boom box he plugs it in then begins trying to locate a decent station. Settling for a county station he returns to his seat beside Stephanie. Taking her hand he lifts it to his mouth kissing her palm. Hearing her soft sigh he laces their fingers together then lays their hands on his thigh.
The beginning of a slow love song plays on the radio; Chase rises from his chair and pulls Stephanie up in his arms. As they sway to the slow beat, Johnny and Marty join them on the far side of the patio. Chase watches as his Father approaches his Mother; he smiles as his Father bows slightly then holds out his hand for his wife. Carrie blushes as she takes his offered hand, standing within the circle of CJ’s arms; they begin to sway to the music. Chase notices both Andy and Nick sitting quietly talking. Feelings of satisfaction that their first party as a couple is successful Chase concentrate on the wonderful lady in his arms.
Resting his chin on the top of Stephanie’s head he enjoys the moment. The sensation of her in his arms has him feeling complete. Looking over at his parents he sees the future he wants with Stephanie. His parents have been an inspiration to him, growing up in a loving home has made him long for the same kind of relationship. Closing his eyes Chase allows his mind to envision their future, marriage, children than growing old together. As the music ends he leans back a few inches when Stephanie raises her head to look at him Chase leans down capturing her lips with his. The softness of her lips has him deepening their kiss.
Andy clears his throat loudly, breaking their kiss Stephanie steps back as everyone applauses. Blushing she returns to her seat. Chase smiles as he joins her, sitting down beside her he again takes her hand in his. Moving close to her he whispers, “I love you.”
Stephanie stares into his eyes, witnessing the truth of his words. She replies softly, “I love you too.” At that moment she decides to share with him the news she may be pregnant when they are alone. She doesn’t want secrets in their relationship. Knowing secrets causes problems, having witnessed the pain of her parents’ breakup. Secrets lead to lies, lies lead to more lies, until people don’t know how to stop. Not wanting to be like her parents she makes a conscious promise to be truthful with Chase. Besides she figures Chase can put this situation into logical terms, he will have rational reasons to dismiss the possibility of her being pregnant. Feeling more at ease Stephanie pushes the thoughts of a baby out of her mind.
Stephanie scans the patio noticing Nick staring at Marty and Johnny. Feeling guilty for involving him the first day they met she resolves to ask Chase if he knows any single women he can introduce to Nick and Andy. The two of them need a good woman in their lives. Realizing she wants everyone to be as happy as she is Stephanie smiles, determined the next cook out will be an even mix, with the females and males paired up.
Bringing her thoughts back to the present Stephanie hears Nick telling them he is heading home. As she rises to bid him a safe drive, Johnny announces him and Marty are going to leave too. After hugging Marty, Stephanie leans back against Chase; as he wraps his arms around her CJ and Carrie say their goodbyes also. Within minutes everyone has gathered their belongings and left.
As they stand in the middle of the patio; neither Chase nor Stephanie notice when Andy goes inside the house leaving them alone. With the radio playing in the background Chase turns Stephanie around to face him. “I had fun today spending time with family and friends.” Gently he continues, “But today was special because of you.” Tilting his head Chase kisses Stephanie softly on her lips.
Raising his head he picks her up cradling her in his arms. Walking through the kitchen he spots Andy but doesn’t stop. Chase continues through the house, up the stairs and down the hall to their room, shutting the door with his foot, he stops beside the bed gently he sets Stephanie on her feet. Sensing she is about to speak, he lays a finger to her lips, “No more words, all I want from you tonight is to allow me to hold you in my arms.” Smiling he utters, “I want to feel you asleep beside me. Can you do that for me?”
As she slowly nods her head he begins undressing her. Standing perfectly still as Chase removes her clothes Stephanie waits for him to finish, he then lifts the covers for her to lay down. Chase moves to his side of the bed, after removing his own clothes he lays down under the covers with her, Chase slides Stephanie close to him. With her head on his forearm he turns so they are spooning.
Stephanie’s last thought before falling to sleep is she will talk to him in the morning.
Lying beside her Chase reflects on his life before meeting Stephanie. After his break up with Beth he had felt abandoned, he had thought he had been in love with her and when she left he had
figured he would never find anyone to love again. Thinking back he has already established he hadn’t been in love with Beth; it had taken years for him to come to that conclusion. Accepting this made him feel guilty for blaming her for leaving. Knowing now she had done both of them a favor when she walked away.
Pulling Stephanie closer to him, Chase rubs his hand down her thigh. The silkiness of her skin under his callus hand brings thoughts of waking her so they can make love. Dismissing the idea he glides his hand back up her thigh continuing until his hand rests on her hip. Admitting his feelings for Stephanie is true love, the kind of love that lasts forever. The kind of love that has him determined to keep her safe. He now knows the meaning of love, for him the meaning is simple; the person you love comes before your own needs. He knows he would give his own life to save hers; with no regrets.
Closing his eyes Chase snuggles closer to Stephanie. As he drifts to sleep he wonders if it would be proper etiquette to send Beth a thank you card.
Chapter Twelve
Seated in Carrie’s car Stephanie lays her head back closing her eyes. For three days she has tried to talk to Chase. Now on her way to the doctor appointment she is a nervous wreck. Realizing she hadn’t tried hard enough to reveal to Chase she may be pregnant Stephanie feels guilty about the deception. Straighten in her seat she opens her eyes turning to Carrie, “I am a deceitful person.” Feeling close to tears she continues, “I haven’t told Chase. I had wanted to tell him the next morning after the cook out but he was busy and then I had a phone meeting.” Holding back the tears her voice breaks as she resumes, “I know he loves me. I just don’t want him to feel obligated to do something crazy.” Huffing out a breath Stephanie opens her mouth to speak but closes it when she hears Carrie’s chuckle.
Trying to concentrate on driving, Carrie listens as Stephanie shares her concerns. The chuckle escapes without conscious thought giving a quick glance at Stephanie she tries to explain, “Oh honey, my son would never feel obligated to marry you. You are right, he does love you.