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A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) Page 24

  how to propose to you.”

  And I bet he has already started planning

  Using her right hand Carrie pats Stephanie’s leg then places her hand back on the steering wheel. “You are sitting there like a person waiting for the gallows.” Laughing softly, “You need to relax sweetie. Waiting until the results are in before you tell Chase is not a bad thing. It doesn’t make you a liar or a deceitful person.”

  Listening to Carrie it made sense to wait, why bother Chase when she didn’t even know the results. It amazed her she remembered to make her appointment Monday morning. Stephanie had been surprised the Doctor had an opening for the next day; she had figured it would be several weeks before she would be able to actually get in. Relieved for the opportunity to meet with the doctor this quickly as she didn’t think she could handle waiting longer for the outcome. Using the excuse of her wrist Stephanie had made the appointment then requested a pregnancy test to be done. Documenting the time Stephanie had immediately called Carrie to ask if she would drive her.

  Remembering the glee in Carrie’s voice has her smiling now. Stephanie returns to the present when she hears Carrie asking about the investigation.

  “I didn’t realize you knew about the investigation.” Shaking her head to clear her thoughts Stephanie responds, “Chase has a few new leads but I don’t think it’s close to being solved. And that is another reason for the timing of this.” Realizing she is picking at her cast Stephanie lays her hands on her lap as she stares out the windshield.

  After a few minutes of silence Carrie tells her, “Archibald told CJ and CJ told me. I was mad at first, since Chase hadn’t told us himself. Then it dawned on me, my son would have told us in his own time.” With a slight smile on her lips she enlightens Stephanie about Chase, “As a child Chase would think, plan and try to solve his problems. We would know he had something on his mind but he wouldn’t tell us until he was ready. Even when it was something he had no clue how to proceed with, he would wait. My son is a thinker. He looks at all sides, he even tries to anticipate the outcome.” Laughing softly Carrie glances quickly at Stephanie. “Don’t get me wrong, he is also a man of action when the situation calls for it. He always reminds me of the strong silent type in the old western movies.” Chuckling at her comparison Carrie pauses giving Stephanie time to absorb the insight regarding Chase.

  Considering Carrie’s assessment Stephanie shares her own perception of Chase, “I think you have described why Chase is a good Sheriff. I have seen him quietly observing a situation, analyzing it until he feels comfortable with his assessment. Right now he is committed to protecting me, he is obsessed with keeping me safe.

  Twisting in her seat Stephanie changes the subject asking, “If I am pregnant do you think Chase will be upset with me for not telling him the news first?” Concern has her again picking at her cast.

  “Sweetie if you are pregnant, trust me Chase will be so excited he won’t care who you told first.” Knowing this is really bothering her Carrie decides to give Stephanie a way to tell Chase first, but would also allow her to know the outcome. Smiling at her own sneaky plan she explains, “How about if you are pregnant you call Chase from the Doctor office and ask if he can come pick you up. You can tell him I had to go to the Diner to cover a shift.” Before Stephanie can comment she continues, “You tell me you want Chase to pick you up and I will leave. I will go home and wait for Chase to call me with the news.”

  Amused by Carrie’s plan Stephanie informs her, “I realize if I tell you Chase is coming to get me; I am essentially telling you I am pregnant. Although, I wouldn’t actually be disclosing I am pregnant just that Chase will be taking me home. I guess I can pretend since I won’t say the word pregnant, I will be telling Chase first.” Shaking her head at the silliness of the plan, but understanding it will solve her guilt Stephanie agrees to do it. “We are splitting hairs on this but I agree.” Both ladies are laughing as Carrie parks the car in front of the doctor’s office.

  After Carrie switches the ignition off she looks at Stephanie. The lady sitting before her is the Mother of her Grandchild. She is beautiful both on the inside as well as the outside. Stephanie dressed in blue jeans and tank top with flip flops on her feet looks younger than her twenty-six years. But having spent time with her, Carrie knows Stephanie is smart, kind hearted and a gifted artist. Loving the fact Stephanie is an artist like her, Carrie smiles accepting Stephanie is the woman meant to make her son happy. “So I will stay in the waiting area, you get the results and if you need me to leave just tell me.” Winking at Stephanie she opens the door sliding out as Stephanie laughing exits the car too.

  Stephanie sits on the hard chair in the patient room, she had just returned to the room after being told to go fill a cup, she had blood drawn and her wrist has been x-rayed. Due to the fact she may be pregnant she had to put on the heavy jacket to protect the baby. Waiting for Dr. Coup Stephanie knows she is pregnant, having gotten use to the idea she admits to herself the test results are just a formality. At the sound of a knock on the door Stephanie jumps then says come in.

  Dr. Coup opens the door striding inside the room. Shutting the door with his foot he walks to the table and lays the file down as he turns to Stephanie he tells her, “Your wrist is healing nicely. I think due to the damage of the cast you can have just a wrist brace. It will allow the wrist to heal but you will have more mobility with it.” Reaching down he lifts her left hand, the cast is a mess. Having seen this before he knows the damage was caused by Stephanie picking at it. Laying her hand back down, he asks, “How long has your nerves been bad?”

  Seeing the concern in the Doctor’s eyes she replies, “I don’t know. I’ve always been busy, the need to stay active. I think this is just due to me having more down time.” Looking down at her cast she sees the damage from his point of view. It looks as if the ends have been shredded along the top part and the places by her fingers. “I just need to get back to work. I have a big project coming up and it will keep me busy for a while.” Smiling as she looks him in the eyes, “Really I am not normally a nervous person.” Unable to completely explain she is involved in an investigation, her brother was murdered and a crazy man threatened to kill her and Chase. Pushing these thoughts to the back of her mind she concentrates on the Doctor.

  Not sure he believes her, but with the eye contact Dr. Coup can tell she does. He moves to her file and writes on the chart. Turning back to Stephanie he asks, “You wanted a pregnancy test done. Are you scared about the results?” He had figured her and the Sheriff would be involved but it wasn’t his place to assume. “Are you scared if you’re pregnant the father of the baby will be upset?”

  His line of questions finally penetrates her mind, shocked by the thought Chase would be upset Stephanie retorts, “Dr. Coup, if I am pregnant Chase will be thrilled. And to put your mind at ease, I am not being abuse mentally or physically.” Seeing his eyebrow raise at her tone she continues in a softer voice, “I admit I was scared at the thought I may be pregnant, but not because of Chase. I haven’t been around many babies and I am scared I will be a terrible Mother.” Taking a deep breath Stephanie releases it as she continues, “I haven’t even told Chase I think I’m pregnant. I wanted to make sure first. But I know in my heart Chase loves me and he will be excited about the baby.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest Dr. Coup listens to Stephanie. From his years of experience he can distinguish between abuse and concern. Also, he knows Chase personally, he is unable to believe Chase would abuse anyone. “Well Ms. Tuney you are in fact pregnant.” Seeing the sparkle in her eyes he continues, “You being nervous about becoming a new Mother is normal. You just need to relax and stop stressing.” Chuckling he adds, “And I can bet with Carrie you will get all the help you need or want.” Once again he writes in her file then looks back at Stephanie. “You will need to make an appointment with an OBGYN; I will have the nurse give you a list of Doctors. I will write you a prescription for prenatal vitamins you can go ahead
and start taking them. Now how many days are you late on your cycle?”

  Blushing Stephanie peers at the doctor as she informs him, “Actually I know exactly the date I became pregnant. I know this sounds crazy, but I swear to you, I am not late. I’m not due for my cycle for another week.” Sensing he is about to argue Stephanie continues, “Today I am exactly ten days pregnant.” Laughing at his expression she places her right hand over her stomach. Knowing for a fact she has a life growing inside her has her feeling giddy.

  Scratching his head he checks her results again. “Well if you’re sure of the date then you know about when you’re due.” Seeing her nod he resumes, “You are a healthy young lady; I don’t think you have anything to worry about, however call and make an appointment with a doctor to begin your prenatal care.” Flipping her file shut he informs her, “I will send in the nurse to remove your cast and have you set for a regular brace.” Dr. Coup finished speaking walks out the door shutting it quietly behind him.

  Waiting for the nurse Stephanie decides to call Chase to tell him she needs a ride home. The thought of revealing to Chase he will be a Father has her feeling light-headed with excitement. The nervousness from earlier gone, as she looks down at her flat stomach she tries to picture it round and full with a baby. Reaching for her purse Stephanie pulls out her cell phone and scrolls through her contacts, finding Chase she pushes the button to call him. As she waits for him to answer she wonders if she is typical with the up and downs, having been a nervous wreck this morning and now the acceptance of her pregnancy; experiencing at present only excitement for their future as a family.

  Hearing his voice say hello Stephanie informs Chase his Mother is needed at the Diner and was hoping he would be able to come get her as she still has about half an hour at the doctor office due to her cast is being removed. His agreement is instant then he states he would leave immediately. Once the call ends, Stephanie giggles as she tries to figure out the best way to tell him.

  When the nurse opens the door she sees Stephanie grinning at her. Smiling in responds she asks Stephanie to follow her. Stephanie grabs her purse on her way to the door. Walking behind the nurse she remembers Carrie has to be gone before Chase shows up. Once in the room to remove the cast Stephanie asks the nurse, “I hate to ask but can you do me a favor?”

  The nurse responds, “What do you need?” Expecting a request to go to the rest room, she waits by the door.

  Feeling silly for wanting the nurse to tell Carrie to leave, she blurts out. “Can you tell Carrie Peterson she needs to leave? She is sitting in the waiting room, but I called Chase, he’s my boyfriend, and he is coming to get me.” Seeing the confusion on the nurse’s face Stephanie smiles nervously as she realizes she is rambling.

  Shrugging her shoulders the nurse leaves the room. After a few minutes Stephanie hears the nurse coming back. Closing the door behind her the nurse says, “Your friend was very excited to be told to leave.” Moving to the table she gets out the supplies and tools needed to remove the cast.

  Stephanie grins but remains quiet as she sits down on the chair to wait for the nurse to start the process. Knowing Carrie is excited to tell CJ, Stephanie says a silent prayer Carrie drives safely.

  Pacing in front of the Doctor’s office Stephanie still hasn’t figured out the best way to tell Chase. Wanting to tell him in private she only knows she needs to do it on the way home, but not in the car. Watching as Chase pulls into the parking area Stephanie waits until he puts the car in park and opens his door, she then begins walking to his car. As Chase moves around the car he opens Stephanie’s door and helps her inside. Neither of them notices Dr. Coup standing at this office window observing them.

  Once they are on the road Chase asks, “I like the new brace, how does your wrist feel?” He had noticed the bright pink wrist brace but sensing she was preoccupied he had waited to ask.

  Looking down at her left hand Stephanie replies, “Dr. Coup said three more weeks and it will be healed. No more brace.” Looking out the windshield Stephanie notices a park up ahead. Twisting to face Chase she asks, “Are you in a hurry to get home?” When Chase shakes his head no, Stephanie inquires, “If not, can we stop at the park?”

  Chase detects Stephanie is nervous about something so in turn he becomes nervous, “Are you alright?” Thinking back to the last visit to the Doctor she had gotten the call from Andy about her brother. Not sure what to expect Chase tells her, “I have all the time in the world for you. We can stop at the park if you want.”

  Leaning back in her seat trying to relax she feels Chase’s concern, “I am fine. I just want us to take a walk and talk.” Turning her head she observes Chase noticing he is wearing jeans and his cowboy boots, the soft brown leather ones. The white dress shirt emphasis his muscular torso, his broad shoulders tensed when she said they needed to talk. Wanting to ease his tension just not sure how Stephanie places her hand on his leg, Chase removes his right hand from the steering wheel placing it on top of her hand; even with the brace she feels his tender touch.

  Slowing the car he turns at the park entrance Chase notices several families with small children playing. Not sure what to expect from Stephanie’s request to talk, he drives to a secluded spot to park. Lifting her hand from his leg Chase brings it to his lips and kisses the area of her palm not covered by the brace. As he looks into Stephanie’s eyes Chase sees tears start to form.

  Giving him a weak smile she pulls her hand free then turns to open her door. Stephanie turns back towards Chase when he asks, “Stephanie, what is wrong? I can’t help if you don’t tell me what the problem is.”

  Closing her eyes briefly she realizes she handled this wrong. Instead of a calm walk Chase is now anxious from the waiting. Leaning close to him Stephanie whispers, “Nothing is wrong; I just want to take a walk.” Moving the few inches separating them she places her lips on his then pulling back she tells him, “Come on, and relax. I promise I am fine.”

  Still having an uneasy feeling, Chase smiles as he opens his door, exiting the car he moves to open her door. Extending his hand he watches as she places her hand in his as he assists her out of the car. Chase closes the door and still holding her hand they begin walking towards a deserted section of the park. Still not sure what to expect he figured privacy is the best choice.

  Stephanie stares at the ground as she walks not wanting to trip and ruin this moment, wishing she had worn her tennis shoes she begins rehearsing her speech. After several minutes she gives up trying to figure this out, deciding to just tell him. Knowing in her heart Chase will be happy she stops walking. When he turns to look at her she sees worry in his eyes. Smiling brightly she begins, “I want to tell you something, but I want your promise to not interrupt me until I am done. What I am going to tell you is exciting.” Laughing shakily she adds, “Ok I admit it, it is also a little scary.” Seeing his confusion she demands, “Promise me.”

  Totally confused about what is going on but sensing her anxiety he states, “I promise Honey, but I need you to tell me. You’re scaring me.” As he searches her face he sees a calmness enter her eyes.

  Stephanie takes a deep breath releasing it she begins, “The night of the cook out, your Mother said something to me that made me go to the doctor today. Yes, I know I was due a checkup from my injuries but this was more important.” Noting his

  bewilderment Stephanie grins as she continues, “Be patient this is important. Think back to the last time we made love.” When his eyes turn smoldering; Stephanie giggles, “Now I know you remember the excitement and the heat of our passion.” Becoming serious she whispers, “But that night was also a new beginning. It initiated a creation for our future.” Standing in front of him she watches as his eyes focus intently on her face. Realizing she needs to further explain, she whispers, “Chase, that night we made a baby. I’m pregnant.”

  Chase heard her, he knows he heard her. As he stands gazing into her eyes; the pleasure of her news overwhelms him. Releasing Stephanie’s hand Chase gr
abs her around the waist and lifts her up, holding her against him Chase twirls in circles laughing. Stopping he allows Stephanie to slide down so her feet touch the ground, Chase stoops forward kissing her lips, her eyes, her cheeks and the tips of her nose. Stepping back he glances down at her flat stomach then back up to her eyes. Laughing she tells him, “It is too soon for me to be showing, I’m only ten days.”

  Grabbing her shoulders he pulls her close wrapping his arms around her. Holding her tightly he tells her, “I love you.” Not wanting to release her but realizing they need to get home he gives her one more bear hug. Taking a step back Stephanie tells Chase she loves him too. Smiling he grasps her hand as they turn toward the car; slowly strolling side by side she confides, “Chase, your Mother knows I’m pregnant. I had wanted to tell you first and we had come up with a silly plan so you would come pick me up. But anyway, your Mother knows and I am guessing so does your Dad.” Slowing her steps she begins again, “I am sorry for not telling you when your Mother first said I was pregnant.”

  Stopping Chase faces her, “What do you mean when my Mother said you were pregnant?” Thinking back to the cook out, Stephanie blushing and her nervous laugh, his parents planning to remodel their home, shaking his head he laughs out loud. The fact his Mother knew before him is not a problem. “Oh Honey, my Mother always know things before anyone else. It’s who she is, and we all love her.” Resuming their walk back to the car he tells her, “Don’t worry about this, I am the happiest man alive right now. I am in love with a wonderful woman, you are in love with me and we are having a baby.”

  The rest of the drive is spent in silence each deep in their own thoughts; both are focusing on how to solve the investigation so they begin planning their future.

  After taking a hot bath Stephanie had got into bed and snuggled close to Chase she had gone right to sleep. Exhausted from today’s events she was worn out. As he lays beside her Chase allows his mind to replay the last five hours. When they had arrived home, he had been so excited he called both Andy and Archie to the kitchen, he then made their announcement. Both men had been delighted upon hearing the news and congratulations were offered sincerely. Stephanie blushed when she told them how far along she was and she had taken their teasing well.