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A Love for all Ages (Crockett County Trilogy Book 1) Page 26

  Having been listening for a while Archie finally joins in on the conversation, “I don’t understand why Stephanie just can’t leave and go stay with Carrie. That way she and the baby will be safe. Why do we need a big plan with decoys and undercover police?” Needing this explained he looks at Chase.

  Chase hates to discuss this in front of Stephanie however he knows her need to be aware of the reasons also; these precautions are necessary due to the crimes that have already been committed. “We need to do it this way due to the offender said he wanted to kill Stephanie and I, plus he has already murdered one person we know of. If he sees Stephanie is gone and we pretend to leave, the only crimes he will be executing is breaking in and robbery. We need him to try to kill the undercover police officer or me.” Briefly glancing at Stephanie he continues, “I realize this is a long shot; he may not even try again for a while. But we have to try.”

  Not wanting to think about the person trying to kill her she asks, “When this gets set up will I just hide out here, or will I need to actually leave the property?” The complexity of the situation feels like it is spiraling out of control. Or it could be she is just too tired to consider all the angles. Viewing the clock on the wall Stephanie sees it is almost three o’clock in the morning; this has her pushing to her feet. Glancing at the three men sitting at the table she informs them, “I am going to go lay down. Since I am going to do what is decided for me, I don’t really need to be this involved with the discussion.” Looking directly at Chase she says, “All I ask is you don’t take unnecessary risk. We both have a baby to consider.” Turning Stephanie marches out of the room not waiting for a respond to her earlier questions.

  The men sit in silence after Stephanie leaves. After a few minutes Chase raises from his chair, addressing both men he says, “Stephanie is right, it’s late and we are all tired. Until we find out if or when Maria can come, the planning stage can wait. I think I need to take a shower then go to bed.” Picking up his and Stephanie’s mug he moves to the sink, pours the liquid down the drain and places the empty mugs on the counter. As he turns to leave the kitchen Chase hears Andy tell Archie to start his patrol, and if he needs Andy to come wake him.

  As Chase climbs the stairs he thinks about skipping the shower, however he lifts his shirt sniffing the smoke in the fabric. The decision made for him he knows he cannot lay in bed beside Stephanie smelling this bad. Opting to not take a chance of waking Stephanie if she is already asleep Chase decides to use the guest bathroom. Hearing footsteps he turns and sees Andy at the end of the hall, as he opens the bathroom door he nods once to Andy then enters the room shutting the door behind him.

  After his shower he wraps the towel around his waist then walks the short distance to their room. Opening the door he sees Stephanie lying on her side facing the wall. Moving to his side of the bed Chase lets the towel fall to the floor as he slides onto the bed, pulling Stephanie close he kisses her lightly on the temple. As she snuggles closer to him Chase places his arm around her waist. Within minutes he is asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chase remains motionless as Stephanie slides her right leg across his stomach; as she sits astride his waist Chase opens his eyes watching as she leans forward allowing her hands to rest on the bed beside his head. Gazing into Stephanie’s eyes he sees her pupils dilate with passion as she bends lower permitting her breast to softly tough his chest. Chase feels her nipples harden against his skin as she moves closer kissing his neck. Rising his arms Chase places his hands on her back sliding them up to her shoulders. As Chase begins his slow descent down her back he hears Stephanie’s husky laugh just before he feels her playfully bite his neck. His laughter turns to a sigh of desire when she licks the spot she had just bitten.

  Placing her hands on Chase’s shoulders Stephanie pushes backwards gliding down his body she feels his hands fall to the bed. Lifting her hips she moves over his manhood as she positions her hands beside his waist on the bed as she continues progressing backwards. When she reaches Chase’s thighs Stephanie adjusts her body compelling him to shift his legs to provide her space on the bed. On her knees between his thighs Stephanie places her hands around his hard shaft squeezing gently, bending forward she takes his length into her mouth. Chase grabs the bed comforter in his fists as Stephanie’s mouth slides up and down his shaft, groaning he clinches the comforter tighter. After several minutes of her continuing her attention to his manhood Stephanie moans in pleasure as her caresses has him swelling thicker and longer. Gliding her tongue up the underside of Chase’s shaft Stephanie sucks hard once she reaches the tip then with a teasing nibble she releases him.

  Rising her head Stephanie looks into his eyes, enjoying the fire of his desire reflected there. Stephanie smiles before she bends forward to suck and kiss his inner thigh. His sharp intake of breath has her grinning as she repeats the same technique on his opposite thigh.

  “Stephanie, Honey you are making me crazy!” Rising up on his elbows he watches as she lifts her head to look at him. “Come here.” Chase says the words softly.

  Stephanie laughs seductively as she crawls up his body, stopping when she is nose to nose with him. She giggles when Chase wraps his arms around her then falls back on the bed.

  Chase moves his hand to the back of Stephanie’s head gliding her lips to his. Deepening the kiss Chase removes his hand from her head; using both hands he maneuvers her body so she is again straddling his waist. Hooking his arms around her knees Chase breaks the kiss as he pulls Stephanie forward.

  Amused Stephanie raises onto her knees as Chase positions her above his head. Grabbing the headboard tightly, husky moans escape when Chase’s tongue licks her wet essence; Stephanie’s head falls back as his tongue slips inside. Chase feels Stephanie’s muscles tense as his tongue repeatedly moves in and out of her womanhood. Chase holds her intimately as he continues his love making he senses her organism building. Raking his teeth over her sensitive area Chase hears Stephanie yell out his name during her passionate release.

  Stephanie experiences her body trembling as Chase continues to slide his tongue deep inside her while her organism subsides. Moaning she feels the tingling building again inside her as her muscles constrict. Recognizing Stephanie is almost ready to climax again Chase grabs her hips as he guides her down his body. Once Chase positions Stephanie he lowers her down onto his shaft.

  Chase groans as he feels Stephanie’s moist silkiness slide around him, placing her hands on his shoulders he thrust up moving deeper inside her. Using his hands on her hips Chase directs her up and down matching each of his thrusts to her rhythm. The throbbing inside him builds, recognizing he is about to explode with his need for her, Chase thrusts one last hard time as he feels Stephanie’s organism coincide with his.

  Stephanie gazes into Chase’s eyes glimpsing his love for her, she knowing her eyes mirror the same feelings; smiling Stephanie lays her head on Chase’s chest then closes her eyes as she listens to his heartbeat racing in her ear.

  Feeling her body temperature cooling Chase reaches for the comforter pulling it over them. Still joined together Chase wraps his arms around Stephanie gently holding her. “Now that is a wonderful way to start the morning.” Hearing her soft laughter Chase tightens his hold on her, rolling he allows them to separate as they lay facing each other.

  “It was wonderful. forward Stephanie kisses Chase on his chest then turns rising up she sits on the side of the bed. Bending over she grabs her night shirt off the floor, straightening she stands. Feeling woozy Stephanie closes her eyes, swaying slightly she puts her hand out to steady herself. Hearing something fall to the floor Stephanie opens her eyes as she feels Chase’s arms slide around her.

  Concerned he asks, “Honey, you alright?” Noticing Stephanie’s face is pale, all her color gone he tightens his told on her.

  Staring into Chase’s eyes she whispers, “I need to go to the bathroom; I’m going to be sick.”

  Quickly Chase scoops Stephanie up then carries her
through the door setting her down in front of the toilet. Dropping to her knees Stephanie empties her stomach. Chase grabs a wash cloth wetting it with cool water; hearing the toilet flush he hands it to Stephanie as she leans back against the bathtub.

  Looking up at him she smiles weakly and says, “Thank you.” Using the cloth Chase had given her Stephanie holds it to her face.

  Leaving the bathroom Chase returns within seconds with Stephanie’s night shirt in his hands. He helps her put it on, “Feeling better?” Distress for her has his voice sounding husky. When Stephanie nods Chase gently helps her to her feet, moving slowly they walk back into the bedroom.

  Sitting on the side of the bed, Stephanie notices she had knocked the antique clock off the night stand. Reaching for the But I now need a shower.” Leaning clock she sees the base has popped open as she raises it up a wooden object falls to the floor.

  Chase bends down picking it up, turning it in his hands he reads, “JoEllen’s Hope.” Glancing over at Stephanie he tells her, “This looks like an old fashion key.” Shrugging his shoulders he hands it to her as he lifts the clock from her hands. Turning the clock upside down Chase notices the base just slips back in place. When it is fixed Chase places it back on the night stand.

  Stephanie rotates the key in her hands. The smooth finish shows signs of wear and the words look hand carved at the top. “I wonder what this key is for. I agree it looks old.”

  Chase sits down beside Stephanie looking at the key he says, “It was hidden in the clock for a reason, we just have to figure out why.”

  Closing her eyes briefly she retorts, “Great like we don’t have enough to try to figure out.” Still staring at the key she continues, “I have finished reading Della’s diary. There is no mention of a JoEllen, but then she really didn’t write much about anyone else, just her and Archie mostly.”

  Removing the key from Stephanie’s hand Chase tells her, “You need to rest; we will deal with this later.” Rising from the bed, he places the key on the night stand. “I want you to lie back down; I will go fix you toast and some juice.” Seeing Stephanie is about to argue Chase continues, “I mean it, I won’t be gone long.” He helps her lie back and tucks the comforter around her shoulders. Leaning over Chase kisses Stephanie’s forehead; straightening he walks out the room.

  Stephanie pushes the comforter aside and rises up when Chase leaves the room; sitting on the side of the bed again she waits checking if she feels sick. Not feeling queasy Stephanie stands up slowly. Smiling when she doesn’t get dizzy she walks to the bathroom, the need to brush her teeth and rise with mouth wash overrides Chase’s orders to stay in bed. While brushing her teeth Stephanie thinks about Della’s diary, remembering an entry Della had written about her Mother telling her why is was important to keep records.

  Stephanie turns from the vanity to look longingly at the tub; standing there she debates if she has time to bathe when she hears Chase clear his throat. Whirling Stephanie sees him standing at the door holding a tray with her breakfast. Shrugging her shoulders Stephanie tells him, “I had to brush my teeth.”

  Stepping away from the door; Chase motions for Stephanie to get back in bed. Grinning she walks to the bed and sits down, scooting back she leans against the headboard as he places the tray across her lap. Gazing up at him, “I feel better. I can go downstairs to eat with you.” Selecting a piece of toast Stephanie takes a bite.

  Watching her eat Chase sits down beside her, “You need to rest.”

  Laughing Stephanie tries to explain, “Chase, I’m pregnant not sick. I don’t have to be treated like an invalid.” Finished with the toast she picks up the juice taking a sip.

  “You were sick just a little while ago. So that means you stay in bed and rest.” Crossing his arms over his chest Chase gives her his stern look. Seeing Stephanie’s grin he soften his voice, “Honey, let’s see how your stomach handle the toast, if you don’t feel sick you can get up.”

  “While I was brushing my teeth I remembered Della had written about her Mother telling her that the women in the family would keep a diary and it was her duty to keep track of events and so forth.”

  “So maybe this JoEllen woman kept a diary too. It may be in the attic; I will go up to check in a little while.”

  Stephanie opens her mouth to respond but is interrupted by a knock on their door. Chase utters, “Come in,” as they wait for the door to open they both watch as Archie appears in the room.

  Surprise has Stephanie gasping, “Wow, Archie you’re amazing."

  Bowing slightly at his waist he responds, “How are you feeling? Chase told us you are sick. I was worried, but didn’t want to be rude, so I tried knocking and it worked.” Pleased he explains. “It seems I can do quite a few things I had no ideal I could do.”

  Before either can comment there is another knock on their door. Grinning Chase says again, “Come in.”

  Andy opens the door just wide enough to stick his head inside the room, looking at Chase he says, “Sorry I hate to intrude, but your Mother is on the phone. She says it’s important.” Glancing over at Stephanie he notices her grinning. Returning her smile Andy excuses himself as he closes the door.

  “Tell your Mother I said Hello.” Stephanie informs Chase as he moves from the bed and walks to the door.

  Winking at her Chase leaves the room. As he shuts the door Stephanie turns to Archie, “Did Della ever mention a relative named JoEllen?”

  “I think that was her Great, Great Grandmother, but not really sure. Why?” Archie moves to hover closer by the bed as Stephanie explains why she asked about Della’s relatives. As he listens Archie begins to thinking about the times Della reminiscence about her ancestors.

  Coming back to the present Archie hears Stephanie ask, “Do you know where the diaries were kept?”

  “I don’t remember Della ever mentioning other diaries, she just spoke of hers.”

  Stephanie removes the tray from her lap then moving as quickly as she can sprints to the bathroom. Once again she empties the contents of her stomach, flushing the toilet Stephanie hears footsteps running in the hallway. Sitting on the floor she waits for Chase, knowing he will be there soon.

  Chase stops at the bathroom door seeing Stephanie pale again he helps her to her feet. Picking her up in his arms Chase carries her back to bed, gently laying her down he goes into the bathroom within a few seconds Chase comes back with the wash cloth. Folding the cloth he lays it on Stephanie’s forehead. “Better?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  “Honey, I think you need to call the Doctor.” Sitting beside Stephanie he lifts her hand holding it.

  Laying with her eyes close she grips his fingers, “Chase, this is normal. At least I think it’s normal.” Opening her eyes she sees his face taut with worry. Giving him a slight smile, “I think I just need to not eat until I have been awake for a while.”

  “You may be right, but I would feel better if you would call and have a checkup.” Chase lays his right hand over her stomach.

  “I have a list of Doctor’s in my purse. I was waiting to ask Marty which one she recommends before I make an appointment.” Realizing she got the list over a week ago, she agrees with Chase, “I will call Marty and then make the appointment.” Wanting to change the subject she asks, “What did your Mother need?”

  “She called to tell us Dad had spoken with Mary, Mr. Wilson’s older sister.” Seeing her confusion Chase explains, “Dad had volunteered to speak with her about Rebecca and Lee’s accident. She is in her ninety’s so he figured she may remember some gossip or know who was driving what kind of vehicles.”


  Smiling at her excitement, “Well Mary told Dad the local gossip about the accident was the Sheriff had been bought and ruled it that way for a large amount of money. This by the way is what Andy and I had already figured out.” Lifting her hand Chase brings it to his lips giving it a brief kiss; he continues to hold her hand. “Mary also said the best she can remember the person that
owned a car Dad described was Daniel Miller.”

  “Who is Daniel Miller? Is he related to Brett Miller?” Moving slowly Stephanie rises up to lean against the headboard, smiling when Chase adjusts the pillow for her.

  Nodding his head Chase explains, “I think he was Brett’s Father, but what has me curious is Brett’s son Steven. He has had a grudge against me since I arrested him years ago.” Shrugging his shoulders, “I may just be jumping to conclusions too fast. But the Millers are now my prime suspects. As soon as I spoke with Mom, I called Daniel at the FBI, he is going to check the dates Steven was in jail and when he was released.”

  Frowning Stephanie asks, “Do you think Brett is involved? He seemed like a nice man when he came to see him about Della’s will.” Thinking back to the meeting she had been upset over the death of her brother and Mr. Miller had seemed sincere when he offered his condolences. Had it been an act, was he the one responsible for her brother’s death?

  Not liking her being upset Chase changes the subject, “Mom is on her way over, I told her you were sick so she is bringing her famous chicken noddle soup.” He smirks when he sees her eyes widen with shock.

  Pulling her hand free of his Stephanie scoots to the side of the bed, “I have to get dressed; I don’t want your Mother seeing me still in my night gown, lying in bed.” Standing beside the bed Stephanie looks down at Chase as he laughs she punches him in his arm. “This is not funny. I need a shower.”

  Sobering when he sees her walking slowly to her dresser, “Baby, let me help.” Moving to the closet Chase picks her a pair of capris and a yellow shirt. when she nods her head. into the bathroom, turns on the faucet then adjusting the water temperature.